Thank you so much for all your support and guidance over the last couple of months, I have grown so much under your guidance!
Through indepth guided sessions I have been able to break down some inner barriers, develop a positive outlook and perspective as well as develop a range of strategies and techniques I will be able to use moving forward.
I love that it is not a forever thing and that it focuses on developing yourself as a person to better self-manage. It's great that there are techniques and practices that you take away with you to keep using in the future. To me this makes it a realistic support program.
It is a holistic journey which draws on a variety of methods and techniques to encourage you to look into yourself.
It's empowered me in developing strategies for self-reflection, self-healing and self-soothing.
I've been very happy to find a natural/holistic treatment to healing depression without going down the medication route.