Awards & Past Events

Key Note Speaker -
Embodiment Conference 2020
Alongside renowned leaders such as Gabor Maté, Tara Sharon Salzberg and Alanis Morissette, I speak about the importance of an Integrative and Holistic approach to treating Depression and Anxiety. Pioneering unique programs that combine Psychotherapy, Yoga, Nutrition and Lifestyle coaching.

Panelist - International
Yoga Day 2021
Featured as a member of the Panel to discuss the Real Meaning of Yoga on the largest virtual yoga gathering in 2021. Virtually celebrating International Yoga Day on 19th June, 108 Masters, from 50 countries and all 6 continents gathering on a common platform to disseminate life transforming ancient yoga wisdom.
Workshops & Retreats

If you’ve ever gone through abuse, be it verbal, emotional, sexual, physical, financial or spiritual, you have experienced the painful world of trauma and picked up some invisible wounds. These wounds come from internalized emotion and trauma formed beliefs.
If not processed and expressed in healthy ways, they can wreak havoc in your present and future, sometimes manifesting as cycles of even more abuse. Depression and suicide are at the heart of these wounds, stealing away your precious time on earth.
This workshop is dedicated to the unearthing and healing of locked-in trauma, releasing that which no longer serves you to ultimately free yourself; allowing you to take back your power, reclaim your purpose, and reclaim your time.

Hatha Yoga & Headwrapping
Master the fundamentals of Headwrap Styling &
Hatha Yoga through a Goddess-centered workshop
infused with self-love celebrating
the divinity of femininity.
Please bring your own headscarf and hand-held mirror, yoga mat and your sense of adventure.


Shamanic Wisdom Workshop
- Animal Totems Series
Learn how to tap into the unseen world of animal symbolism and nature totems for guidance and insight.
This workshop will contain theory & practical exercises, as well as a spirit guide meditation, oracle card readings
and a Hatha yoga session.
Join us in the re-discovery of this ancient wisdom.

Splits Workshop
Get Into The Splits Workshop
Always wanted to be able to do the splits but never thought you could?
Learn how to effectively warm up your hamstrings, adductors, psoas and hips to safely get into the splits.
You will also learn how to spot and deactivate any negative self-talk or thinking that brings blocks to exploring Hanumanasana.
The workshop is designed for intermediate and advanced yoga practitioners, although even if you are a complete beginner, there are valuable tools and skills there for you.